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1) She was gonna be a star, but didn’t get far.

Though she tried and tried.
She sat and cried.

Couldn’t figure out what went wrong.
Another lyric, another song.
2)Worked on her music everyday.
It finished off the same old way.
Music wasn’t kickin it.
She played till she got sick of it.
3) Then just when she didn’t want to start again.
A flash from the past came alive again.
She remembered what it felt like dancing.
Dreaming of the time
 she would make it big.
Being a grownup, not just a kid
She was winning.
 Her head was spinning.
You don’t have to be a superstar
For others to like you as you are.
Don’t forget girl.
Just who you are girl.
You are special in your own right.
Your magic and style are dynamite.
Not everyone will care
. What they’re seeing there.
Reprise-You’re my star girl.
My favorite star girl.
You will be someone’s world.
You’re a star, girl.

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