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This blog is about Victory Garden stories. Stories of faith and hope that have inspired you through the years. I have a few that would like to share. I would like to hear your stories as well. Walk with me down the garden paths. Sing a song that brings joy to your heart. Hand in hand we will walk together through the Victory Garden.

Sibling Pain with nothing to gain

| Victory Garden Stories | No Comments
I had a talk with my sister. Frankly,  she has always been the perfect one. Dad's favorite. She did everything right. Joan did not have to do the dishes or…

My Word Is Serenity

| Victory Garden Stories | No Comments
Why is this my word you ask? Good question! I was in my group therapy class and everyone had to pick out a paper out of a basket. Each strip…

He Is The God Who Sees (El Roi)

| Victory Garden Stories | No Comments
(Chorus) He is the God that sees. El Roi He knows what you’re going through. When you are left without a prayer.  God sees you kneeling there. 1. Guide me…

The Desert

| Victory Garden Stories | No Comments
Man does not live by bread alone.  What does that phrase mean anyway? Toasted wheat, Barley? Rye? Sourdough?  Could it just be referring to what we see on the supermarket…