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Everyone has a story. A tale of how they became who they are. I started out as a snowflake. Hard to believe, when you see just an average dewdrop on the leaves. I used to say, “Everyone is different. Everyone sets his own pattern. We shine brightly in the nightsky.” Then, hardtimes and the strain of the hot sun made me ordinary. You couldn’t tell me apart from all the other dewdrops. Yet, I still remember when I was a snowflake that blended with another unique snowflake. When everything seemed right. It was just another day to dance. I was watching the stars in the heavens. Then came a handsome snowflake whose design was beautiful, unique, and radiant. I watched in amazement. I had never seen such wonder. He came over to me, and we had a special snowflake dance. The music played. Other snowflakes watched. I did not notice anything or anyone but the radiant snowflake dancing with me. I thought that our story would be one that would last forever. He said our love was like snowflakes. A love that was rare and unique. As I looked in his radiant eyes, I believed it was true. Love makes you blind to things that you should pay attention to. I should have noticed, his wiring was not right. I should have noticed, he was not what he seemed. Yet all I saw was a radiant snowflake. He wanted me to become more like him. I tried to be more radiant and bright. Before long, I lost my uniqueness, and I started melting into drops of tears. He went away and mocked me. Now I sit as a dewdrop. I am longing to be the snowflake I once was. Happy, carefree, unique, and special. I look into the nightsky. A beautiful snowflake takes my hand. She gives me a special hug. She tells me to reach up into the heavens. I reach up, close my eyes, and suddenly I am a young snowflake once again. Winter has come. I am dancing with the other snowflakes. I am new, unique, and special. I can live and love again. The End

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