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Mystic splendor, tendershoot.

Drinking wine or cheap vermouth.

Glad the day is at an end.
Looking for a special  friend.
Take you out of your misery,
 make you feel like you want to be.
It’s just an illusion, girl.
to make your head spin and whirl.
When you wake up and remember the pain.
The whole illusion will start again.
You were meant to grow
into the rose that we all know.
If you could see what lives inside.
The girl that you are trying to hide.
You may be just a weed again.
A crack in the sidewalk is where you begin.
Tendershoot, I will watch you glow.
You’ve got a beautiful spirit
and beautiful soul.
You don’t need the drink or drugs
to make you feel that you are loved.
Girl, you’ve been loved
 right from the start.
Baby,  you’re close to my heart.

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