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Man does not live by bread alone.  What does that phrase mean anyway? Toasted wheat, Barley? Rye? Sourdough?  Could it just be referring to what we see on the supermarket shelf?  Maybe it’s more. Maybe it goes back a long time ago when we had to trust in God for our daily bread. Our manna.

I have never had to understand this concept until now. To trust God that he would give me what I needed for each day. I don’t know what the future will bring.  I wander in the hot scorching desert. Praying for relief for now. Today. I pray tomorrow will be better.  Today I am out in the desert. I dream of finding   my oasis. A tropical paradise. Rest and  relief. Comfort.  Peace. Today, I just pray for water and manna. That sweet taste to satisfy the longing of my heart. The water that Jesus told the woman at the well, if you drink from this water you will never thirst again. A spring of living water. The bread of life that not just fills an empty stomach but makes you whole and peaceful . Sometimes it takes a desert experience to help us to realize who is our true source of strength and who will meet our needs.
Your word, our daily bread. I need to trust in you. I need to hold your hand. From the Old Testament to the new
It is quoted, “Man does not live by bread alone but by every  word that proceeds from the mouth of God.*
 At the time of trouble he shall set me upon a rock. In the secret of his tabernacle will he hide me. Then shall my head be lifted up above my enemies.  I will sing, yea. I will sing unto the Lord.
I will sing and make a way in the desert. I will trust that God will make a way. Till Jesus shows me the way out.

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