There is one thing that is certain. The longer you live, the older you are.
Wrinkles, bags under eyes, and dark spots on your face become more noticeable.
Less flexibility, joint pain, and tiredness become more common. Memory loss occurs. Everyone looks so young and it’s hard to pass a mirror without noticing your age. Weight control is harder to maintain. Advertisers talk about a pill, cream, gel, or injection that will help. These pharmaceuticals can help whatever needs to be fixed or corrected.
A rich man’s dream. A poor man’s nightmare.
I still have pictures of my youth. Young, imaginative, and dreamy about the future. I was a picture of health and beauty. I worked hard at looking my best. I wanted to find a man that would love me forever. Carry me off on his noble steed and ride me off into the sunset. Ah, the imagination of a young girl! Life is not always “happy ever after.” Some days you try. You give your best, and just breathe. That is in itself a triumph!
I have learned to think of life from a different perspective. A perspective free of self-pity and remorse. It is an art form of its own. This perspective is as old as time. Instead of regretting what you have become, treasure who you are. The gifts and talents that make you unique. The stories you can tell! The wisdom you have!
I have learned, as one gets older, slowing down is not a bad thing. I notice things now that I would have missed. I have started to notice that faith is a verb not an adjective.
For instance, I haven’t seen the wind but I have seen the effects of a strong wind before a storm. I have seen the whisper of the wind as the trees sway to its rhythm. I have seen water bring life and death. It can bring life to a thirsty soul. Yet, with strong winds, and turbulent seas, sailors can get swallowed in the mirky water as their ship gets capsized. I have seen faith as a little child. I have heard what faith can do from those who had nothing to hold on to by their beliefs. I have been there. I have never seen it but my heart feels uplifted and hopeful when I have faith. I know the faith of my mother. Every trial, adversity, or hard time became a chance to have a victory story!
The older I get, the more I see patterns in history where we don’t learn from our mistakes. Wars and rumors of wars. Young men and women being chosen to serve our country. Brave and courageous young men and women. Coming home with memories they can’t talk about. A tale as old as time. New weapons and different wars. In the end, no one wins in war. So much devastation left behind.
I am still like that little girl that looks at the world with wonder. The sun rising and setting. Hearing the thunder before it rains. Appreciating a good song and learning to play it on the guitar or piano.
To look at life without being weighed down with worry. To see life as a blessing. Each day an unexpected kiss. To look into a simple life that exists around me. Flowers to grow. Walks to take. A joke to be said. A new recipe to use. A way of exploring the beauty within my soul. To experience all that life has to offer. To live life to the fullest. Not following expectations but raising the bar for myself. To achieve my finest work.
Old is more than a number. It can be good or bad. Living day to day can be difficult or a triumph. I have learned that it is all in your perspective.