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What is your story and how the path lead you to victory? It’s time your story was heard!  Love and hugs,
Kathy Lou Waskett

Rhythm Sews The Seam

| Hand and Hand we will walk through this victory garden | No Comments
Rhythm Sews The Seam Two young people following a dream. Where music is the beam. Rhythm sees the seam. They were dreaming of fame And what it could be If…

No Other Love

| Hand and Hand we will walk through this victory garden | No Comments
No Other Love by Kathy Lou Waskett No other love came this close to understand me.  To love me the most. No other love could be patient and kind You were the…

I Wait in the Garden on Bended Knees

| Hand and Hand we will walk through this victory garden | No Comments
Jesus, if you were there, my son wouldn’t have died! I read the Bible to him. I gave him a Bible! I prayed for him. I supported him, feed him,…

Sue and the Traveling Man

| Hand and Hand we will walk through this victory garden | No Comments
Sue and the Traveling Many Kathy Lou Waskett Well, Sue was on the train Waiting for some champagne. The forecast showed drizzling rain. She had some time to kill. Took…