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Everyone has a path. Everyone has a story. The path leads you towards what you believe in, dream about, or feel driven towards. The story is what happens as you strive to get there. None of us, no matter how we conform, have the same path or story. That is what makes life enriching and fulfilling. Learning from one another. Finding out the path and the story of those who have lived before us. Personal victories, achievements, and faith. That is what this blog is all about. Your story is heard. Together we learn to rise above. Stories that have shaken your lives, or others lives, and you still survived!  That is called a Victory Garden story. That is what this blog is all about.

Joe Barone’s Story

| Walk with me down the golden paths | No Comments
Joe Barone was well-known for his musical style and skills. He was brought up in Chicago, Illinois and worked his way up into “fortune and fame.” All a person had…

The Little Girl and The Well

| Walk with me down the golden paths | No Comments
The Little Girl and The Well It was spring, and a little girl named Rebecca skipped and danced through the grassy field near her farmhouse. Her pigtails bounced up and…


| Walk with me down the golden paths | No Comments
Tendershoot Mystic splendor, tendershoot. Drinking wine or cheap vermouth. Glad the day is at an end. Looking for a special  friend. Take you out of your misery,  make you feel…

You’re A Star, Girl

| Walk with me down the golden paths | No Comments
1) She was gonna be a star, but didn’t get far. Though she tried and tried. She sat and cried. Couldn’t figure out what went wrong. Another lyric, another song.…